Welcome to our web component-based player! This player features an updated design and comes with built-in controls for a seamless viewing experience. It is highly customizable and easy to integrate into your web applications.
import { registerComponents } from "@vindral/web-sdk/player"
Attribute | Type | Description | Default |
url | string | URL to use when connecting to the stream | |
channel-id | string | Channel ID to connect to initially | N/A |
channel-group-id | string | Channel group to connect to | N/A |
paused | boolean | If set, the player will start in a paused state | false |
muted | boolean | If set, the player will start muted | false |
authentication-token | boolean | Authentication token for channels with authentication enabled | N/A |
cast | boolean | If set to "false", disables cast functionality | true |
airplay | boolean | If set, enables AirPlay functionality | false |
pip | boolean | If set to "false", disables Picture-in-Picture functionality | true |
fullscreen | boolean | If set to "false", disables fullscreen functionality | true |
poster | boolean | string | URL of the image to show before the video plays | true |
cast-receiver-id | string | For custom Cast Receivers, enter your Application Id here | N/A |
language | string | Initial language to use when multiple languages are available | N/A |
text-track | string | Initial text track | N/A |
log-level | error | warn | info |debug | trace | off | Sets the log level | info |
min-buffer-time | number | Sets the minimum and initial buffer time | N/A |
max-buffer-time | number | Sets the maximum buffer time allowed | N/A |
size-based-resolution-cap-enabled | boolean | Enables or disables user bandwidth savings by capping the video resolution to the size of the video element | true |
burst-enabled | boolean | Enable bursting for initial connection and channel switches | false |
mse-enabled | boolean | Enable usage of the MediaSource API on supported browsers | true |
mse-opus-enabled | boolean | Enable Opus with the MediaSource API on supported browsers | true |
ios-background-play-enabled | boolean | Enable or disable support for playing audio in the background for iOS devices | false |
abr-enabled | boolean | Enable or disable Adaptive Bit Rate | true |
telemetry-enabled | boolean | Enable or disable telemetry. This allows for telemetry and errors being collected | true |
max-size | { width: number; height: number} | Set a cap on the maximum video size | N/A |
max-audio-bit-rate | number | Maximum audio bit rate allowed | N/A |
max-video-bit-rate | number | Maximum video bit rate allowed | N/A |
ios-wake-lock-enabled | boolean | Enable wake lock for iOS devices | false |
ios-media-element-enabled | boolean | Enables iOS devices to use a media element for playback | true |
media | audio | video | audio+video | Set the type of media to play (audio only, video only, or both) | audio+video |
video-codecs | h264 | av1 | Comma-separated list of video codecs to use, in order of priority (e.g., "av1,h264") | N/A |
Attribute | Type | Description | Default |
instance Read only | Vindral | Vindral client instance, available after the 'vindral-instance-ready' event is fired | N/A |
Event | Description |
vindral-instance-ready | Fired when the Vindral instance is ready for use |
CSS Variables
This is the list of CSS variables for showing/hiding specific controls.
vindral-player {
/* Hide all controls */
--vindral-ui-display: none;
--vindral-play-button-display: none;
--vindral-mute-button-display: none;
--vindral-airplay-button-display: none;
--vindral-pip-button-display: none;
--vindral-fullscreen-button-display: none;
--vindral-cast-button-display: none;
--vindral-grid-button-display: none;
--vindral-grid-item-offline-display: none;
--vindral-volume-range-display: none;
--vindral-rendition-menu-display: none;
--vindral-language-menu-display: none;
--vindral-play-overlay-display: none;
--vindral-buffering-overlay-display: none;
These CSS variables allow you to customize the appearance of the player.
vindral-player {
--vindral-fg-strong: #000000;
--vindral-fg-subtle: #666666;
--vindral-fg-extra-subtle: #999999;
--vindral-bg-strong: #ffffff;
--vindral-bg-subtle: #f2f2f2;
--vindral-bg-extra-subtle: #e6e6e6;
--vindral-bg-component: #cccccc;
--vindral-bg-component-hover: #b3b3b3;
--vindral-bg-component-active: #999999;
--vindral-padding-1: 4px;
--vindral-padding-2: 8px;
--vindral-padding-3: 12px;
--vindral-padding-4: 16px;
--vindral-padding-5: 32px;
--vindral-control-padding: 4px;
--vindral-button-padding: 8px;
--vindral-ui-font: Arial, sans-serif;