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Vindral Player

Vindral Player is our ready-to-go web component-based player for easy integration into your web applications. It is ideal for customizing controls or when the embed solution is not sufficient.

Player example


Install @vindral/web-sdk using npm:

npm install --save @vindral/web-sdk

Equivalent for yarn:

yarn add @vindral/web-sdk


<script type="module" async src=""></script>

Example with JavaScript and HTML

To be able to use the <vindral-player /> in your HTML you have to call registerComponents.


import { registerComponents } from "@vindral/web-sdk/player"




Or use vindral-player-component.js is a self-registering variant of the web components player intended to be used from a script tag.


<script type="module" async src=""></script>



Vindral Player can easily be configured with HTML attributes and supports the majority of the respective as in the web-sdk.

Some common core option attributes are:

  • channel-id - (required) which channel to connect to.
  • channel-group-id - when connecting to a channel group.
  • muted - start muted.
  • authentication-token - used when connecting to authed channels.
  • min-buffer-time - target buffer time / latency in milliseconds (default is 1500 ms).
  • max-video-bit-rate - constrain video bitrate.
  • max-size - constrain video width and height.

The following controls will also appear in some use cases based on support detection:

  • cast
  • airplay
  • pip
  • fullscreen

And can be enabled and disabled like this:


These controls default to true except AirPlay.

Read the full API reference for all the attributes

Controls and UI

Vindral Player includes all predefined controls for ease of use. It also comes with a responsive design that can automatically arrange controls and offers extensive customization options.

Demonstrating the responsive design for small players:

Player mini

Channel switching with our built in grid is available when providing a channel-group-id:


Player grid

Styling With CSS

The vindral-player HTML element can be styled with CSS like any other HTML element. For example:

vindral-player {
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
--vindral-fg-strong: pink;
aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;

CSS Variables

CSS variables are custom properties that allow you to define reusable values in your CSS. They can be used to customize the appearance of the vindral-player element.

To control the visibility of various player elements:

vindral-player {
/* Hide all controls */
--vindral-ui-display: none;

--vindral-play-button-display: none;
--vindral-mute-button-display: none;
--vindral-airplay-button-display: none;
--vindral-pip-button-display: none;
--vindral-fullscreen-button-display: none;
--vindral-cast-button-display: none;
--vindral-grid-button-display: none;
--vindral-grid-item-offline-display: none;
--vindral-volume-range-display: none;
--vindral-rendition-menu-display: none;
--vindral-language-menu-display: none;
--vindral-play-overlay-display: none;
--vindral-buffering-overlay-display: none;

These CSS variables allow you to customize the appearance of the player.

vindral-player {
--vindral-fg-strong: #000000;
--vindral-fg-subtle: #666666;
--vindral-fg-extra-subtle: #999999;

--vindral-bg-strong: #ffffff;
--vindral-bg-subtle: #f2f2f2;
--vindral-bg-extra-subtle: #e6e6e6;

--vindral-bg-component: #cccccc;
--vindral-bg-component-hover: #b3b3b3;
--vindral-bg-component-active: #999999;

--vindral-padding-1: 4px;
--vindral-padding-2: 8px;
--vindral-padding-3: 12px;
--vindral-padding-4: 16px;
--vindral-padding-5: 32px;

--vindral-control-padding: 4px;
--vindral-button-padding: 8px;
--vindral-ui-font: Arial, sans-serif;

Vindral Controller

For more customization, the Player library provides a collection of components.

<vindral-controller /> supports the same attributes as <vindral-player /> but doesn't come with predefined controls.

Example of building your own player:

<vindral-control-bar slot="top-bar">
<vindral-pip-button slot="right"></vindral-pip-button>
<vindral-airplay-button slot="right"></vindral-airplay-button>
<vindral-fullscreen-button slot="right"></vindral-fullscreen-button>
<vindral-buffering-overlay slot="overlay"></vindral-buffering-overlay>


Slots are like placeholders in custom elements where you can add your own content.


  • no slot(default slot): Places elements in the bottom
  • slot="top-bar": Places elements in the top.
  • slot="middle": Places elements in the middle.
  • slot="overlay-interactive": Places element in the overlay area.
  • slot="overlay": In contrast to the other slots "overlay" isn't shown/hidden on user interaction.


  • no slot(default slot): Places elements on the left side of the control bar.
  • slot="right": Places elements on the right side of the control bar.


  • slot="icon": Allows you to replace the default icon.
<span slot="icon">Play</span>


A list available web components:

  • vindral-player
  • vindral-controller
  • vindral-control-bar
  • vindral-play-button
  • vindral-mute-button
  • vindral-buffering-overlay
  • vindral-scroll-overlay
  • vindral-play-overlay
  • vindral-user-input-play-overlay
  • vindral-fullscreen-button
  • vindral-rendition-levels-menu
  • vindral-channel-grid-button
  • vindral-channel-grid
  • vindral-pip-button
  • vindral-airplay-button
  • vindral-cast-button
  • vindral-cast-overlay
  • vindral-buffering-icon
  • vindral-language-menu
  • vindral-volume-range


If you are using TypeScript, you can use the exported VindralHTMLElementTagNameMap to get typings as shown below:

import { VindralHTMLElementTagNameMap, registerComponents } from "@vindral/web-sdk/player"

declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap extends VindralHTMLElementTagNameMap {}


const player = document.createElement("vindral-player")

Accessing the Core SDK

Both vindral-player and vindral-controller expose the Vindral client instance. You must wait for the "vindral-instance-ready" event before it becomes available.

const player = document.createElement("vindral-player")

player.addEventListener("vindral-instance-ready", () => {
player.instance.on("error", (error) => {
console.error("error", error)
player.instance.on("playback state", (state) => {
console.log("playback state", state)